Hopes to share the joy of my cooking journey in words and pictures with you...
Monday, April 18, 2011
Grape Cheese Tart..
PAU Ayam
- 250g (2 1/2 cwn) tpg pau diayak ( tpg gandum pun bleh)
- 3g (3/4 sudu teh) yis kering
- 2g (1/2 sudu teh) baking powder
- 50g (4 sudu makan) gula castor
- 20g (1 sudu makan) lemak sayuran
- 2g (1 sudu teh) bread softener
- 1/2 cawan air suam
- Satukan tepung, yis, baking powder, bread softener didalam mangkuk adunan.
- Uli sebati dengan memasukkan air suam sedikit demi sedikit.
- Masukkan lemak sayuran, uli lagi sehingga doh tidak melekat/licin
- ***Jika menggunakan Bread Maker, masukkan mengikut turutan, air suam, yis, tepung pau, baking powder, gula castor, bread softener dan lemak sayuran kemudian pilih menu dough dan tekan start
- Biarkan doh selama 10 minit pada suhu suam.
- ***Jika menggunakan Bread maker, biarkan doh didalam bread maker selama 10 minit sahaja, tak perlu tunggu sehingga masa tamat (1 1/2 jam)
- Bahagikan doh kepada 10 bahagian
- Masukkan inti dan tutup kemas.
- Letakkan setiap pau diatas kertas empat segi (2" x 2 ") dan susun didalam pengukus.
- ***untuk inti, bolehlah menggunakan inti apa saja, mengikut kesukaan.
- Rehatkan pau selama 45 minit didalam kukusan.
- Untuk mengukus, didihkan air didalam periuk pengukus. Bila air mendidih, barulah diletakkan kukusan yang berisi pau tadi. Kukus pau selama 10 minit.
- ***Tips : Air perlu lah betul2 panas/mendidih untuk mengukus pau bagi mendapatkan pau yg lembut dan gebu dan utk pau yg sentiasa panas dan lembut, letakkan dlm rice cooker di atas nasi (jika mempunyai rice cooker yg ade pengukus).
Spiral Puff Ubi Keledek..

2 keping puff pastry
1 egg
Rebus ubi sehingga lebut dan lecekkan sehalus-halusnya.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Apple Galette
- 1 cup (120 g) unbleached all-purpose flour
- 1/2 teaspoon granulated sugar
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 6 tablespoons (3 oz., or 84 g) unsalted butter, frozen, cut into 1/2″ pieces
- 3 1/2 tablespoons chilled water
For the filling:
- 2 pounds apples (I used one Fuji, one Braeburn), peeled, cored and sliced (save the peels and cores)
- 3 tablespoons sugar
For the glaze:
- 1/2 cup (100 g) granulated sugar
Add the chilled water one tablespoon at a time, stirring with your other hand, just until the dough just holds together (you might not need all the water, depending on your flour and the humidity of your kitchen). Dump the dough out on a mat and pat into a circle about 1.5″ inches thick. Double-wrap it in plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes (or up to 2 days).
After the chilling period, take the dough out and let it sit on the counter for 10 minutes; this allows the dough to soften slightly so that when you roll it out, it doesn’t break into a million pieces on you (trust me this has happened to me and it’s not fun nor pretty). Roll out the dough on a lightly floured mat into a 14″ circle, about 1/8″ thick. Using a pastry brush, dust off the excess flour. Carefully transfer the dough to a sheet of parchment paper-lined baking sheet.
Preheat the oven to 400 F (205 C).
To fill the tart, overlap the sliced apples on top of the dough in a ring 2 inches from the edge and continue towards the center. To complete the tart, fold over the edges of the dough. It doesn’t have to look perfect, the beauty of a galette lies in its rusticity.
Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of sugar over the dough edge and 2 tablespoons of sugar over the apples. Use more or less sugar to your preference.
Place the baking sheet in the center of the oven and bake the galette for 45 minutes, or until the apples are soft and have slightly browned edges. Try to rotate the tart every 15 minutes to ensure even browning of the crust.
While the tart is baking, you can work on the glaze; place the reserved peels and cores in a large saucepan with the sugar. Pour enough water into the saucepan just so it barely covers the peels and sugar and simmer for 25 minutes. Strain the apple-infused syrup through cheesecloth and set aside. Your kitchen will smell amazing at this point.
When the tart is done baking, remove from the oven and slide it (parchment and all) off the baking sheet and onto a cooling rack. Let it cool for at least 20 minutes before brushing glaze over the tart.
Slice and serve immediately, alone or alongside a scoop of vanilla ice cream if you’re feeling decadent.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Snicker CHEESE Cake

Cheesecake Filling
2. Beat cream cheese and sugar
3. Add eggs and vanilla essence
4. Spoon enough cheesecake batter to cover the crust.
5. Place cut up snickers into cheesecake batter. Press it down to avoid air bubbles.
6. Spoon the rest of the cheesecake batter on top and bake150 C for 20-25 mins
7. Once cool place in fridge until ready to use
8. Prepare choc ganache. Double boil whip cream and dark choc until thicken
9. Remove cheesecake from fridge and let it come down to room temperature.
10. Spoon choc ganache and sprinkle with chopped peanuts
Monday, April 4, 2011
Garlic Sprial Bread..
Plain Flour - 1.5 cups
Warm Water- 1/2 cup + 1 tbsp
Yeast - 1/2 tbsp
Salt - 1tsp
Sugar - 1 tbsp
Olive Oil - 1 tbsp + 1 tsp
For Garlic Spread:
Salted butter, at room temperature - 6 tbsp
Minced garlic - 2 tbsp
Chopped coriander leaves - 2 tbsp
How I Made It:
1. Mix flour, yeast, warm water, salt and sugar together until you get a smooth, slightly stick dough.
5. Knock down the air in the dough and divide the dough into two equal portions.
7. Spread about 2 tbsp of garlic spread on one side.
Repeat the same procedure for the remaining dough.
11. Spread a little milk on the rolls and add sesame seeds on top.
13. Bake for about 30 mins until the top is golden brown.
3 camca besar gula halus
3 camca besar lemak sayur (shortening)
200 ml air suam*
2 camca teh instat yeast*(*disatukan dan biar berbuih)
Sedikit lagi air (extra)
- Satukan tepung gandum, susu tepung, gula halus, lemak sayur dan garam. Kacau rata. Tuang bancuhan yeast + air suam dan gaul rata hingga menjadi doh, jika tak cukup air, tambah dengan sedikitlagi air. Uli hingga licin dan tidak melekat di mangkuk adunan.
- Canai doh tadi dan terap dengan acuan donut, alih ke dalam dulang yang telah ditabur sedikit tepung, buat hingga siap. Biarkan 30 minit hingga naik.
- Goreng dalam minyak sederhana panas hingga kuning keemasan, angkat, toskan dan letak atas paper towel. Gaul donat dengan gula halus atau hias ikut suka.