Hopes to share the joy of my cooking journey in words and pictures with you...
Pastry :
1 cup cold margerine
4 cups all purpose flour
Cold water – slightly more than 1 glass
2 tablespoon butter
1/2 big white onion, diced
some potatoes, slices
Mushroom button, slices
a little bit of coriander leave, chopped finely
To make filling – heat the butter, stir fry the onions. After a while, mix in the potatoes and mushroom. Lastly add the coriander.
Custard :
4 eggs
1 1/2 cup of whip cream
Salt, as desired to ensure the custard is not too blend
sprinkling of black pepper
To make the custard – beat the eggs, add the whip cream, then add salt and pepper. Sieve.
Final assembly :
For the pastry, mix all ingredients together. Let rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Blind baked the pastry – roll the dough to fit in the pan. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C or 350F for about 20 minutes.
Put the filling in the prebaked pastry. Pour the custard over it. Brush the sides of the pastry with the leftover custard for extra shine. Continue baking for another 30 minutes or so. Done.
Bahan B
Cara memasak:-
1. Blend ubi bersama air dan tapiskan, air tapisan boleh di gunakan utk mengisar ubi yg lain. Air tapisan di buang dan ambil sagu liat ubi.( Kalau ubi dah parut terus sukat 4 cwn ubi)
2. Campurkan sagu yang liat tu dengan ubi tadi dalam mangkuk.
3. Masukkan telur, gula, garam, dan beberapa titik pewarna kuning.
4. Kacau…dan tuang santan sedikit2…sampai adunan menjadi sebati.
5. Sapukan loyang dengan minyak dan panaskan oven ke suhu 200 darjah api atas & bawah
6. Tuang adunan ke dalam loyang bersaiz kecil anggaran 8 inci.
7. Sudukan beberapa sudu butter & ditaburkan di atas adunan.
8. Bakar selama 1 jam hingga 1 1/2 jam…bergantung pada tahap kerak yang anda suka.
9. Bila dah sejuk….baru cantik dipotong….